In honor of the return of HBO's Game of Thrones to our screens this past summer, and as an apology for my extended hiatus, I am going to dive back into the complex visual world of Westeros once again. Previously in this series, I've focused on how the North (read here ), the Westerlands (read here ) and their respective cultures were represented and reinforced through the detailed Costume Design. And, today, I am going to do the same by looking at how Michele Clapton, the Costume Designer for HBO's multi-awarded show, builds the culture of the Reach and the Tyrell family. The Reach, just like the Westerlands, it's a region that we've barely physically seen on the show until very recently. And, because of it, most of what we know about it has been inferred through their visual style and the sporadic dialogue exposition. Which, in turn, speaks very highly of the incredible work done by the Costume Design Department when it came to projecting information regar...
This is a blog dedicated to talk about costume design; influences, ideas... From Star Wars to Marie Antoinette and anything in between