The magic and allure of Middle Earth, as a reader, always has been the fact that you can immerse yourself into this world to the point that it feels real. Everything Tolkien wrote, is so detailed and carefully crafted that every character, race, culture and location comes vividly to life in the reader's mind with spectacular clarity. Managing to capture this realism, this carefully constructed illusion that Middle Earth had existed at some point in time, was, undoubtedly, the biggest challenge Peter Jackson faced when he decided to adapt this cornerstone of fantasy literature. Every race, every character and every location needed to feel real, needed to feel like it had been lived in, like it had a history. And how do you do that? Through production design, photography... and costume design. I am going to focus on that last department and the various ways in which costume helps bring this world to life. On the first entry I looked into the designs for the Rohirrim through ...
This is a blog dedicated to talk about costume design; influences, ideas... From Star Wars to Marie Antoinette and anything in between