Every genre has its own pre-established set of conventions: a list of characteristics, both visual and narrative, that helps us put them in their neat little boxes. And, though not often considered a genre, the fairy tale format can often be defined in a similar manner. For decades, and thanks to Disney, fairy tales followed a very recognizable set of visual and narrative patterns. But, like many things in the last couple of decades, this format is being tampered with. This is very clearly visible when comparing two movies such as Mirror Mirror and Snow White and the Huntsman . To clarify, both of these movies have completely zero reasons to exist beyond the fact that the current trend seems to be to remake every single movie that has ever been financially successful. Also, clarify that both movies are bad. You might or might not like them, but they are bad, for very different reasons, but still.... bad is bad. With that said, let's get back on topic. 2012 OR THE...
This is a blog dedicated to talk about costume design; influences, ideas... From Star Wars to Marie Antoinette and anything in between